KCI: Winter Edition

large red labradoodle dog in the snow

I’m a summer girl. Give me high temps and humidity any day of the year! But since I live in Chicago, I have to contend with winter. And while I celebrate the change in seasons, I know what lies ahead. Shorter days. Longer nights. Colder weather. And lots and lots of snow. (Be still my […]

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KCI New Logo Unveiling

Water color painting of a hummingbird by Kelly Cleveland

In the KCI News: Logo Unveiling I had a profound experience with a hummingbird a few years ago. One of these lovely birds got trapped in our garage at our vacation home. He was frantically flying around for over an hour and everything I did to try to help was futile. Finally, the poor guy […]

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Meet Priscilla!

We are so proud to have been asked to participate in this Chicago Magazine’s 2016 Chairs for Charity event! Tickets can be purchased online for the March 24th party being held at Casa Spazio. If you are unfamiliar with C4C…local artists and designers are asked to revitalize an existing chair which will be sold at this silent […]

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Light – at the touch of a finger

Winter is here and like it or not the ‘polar vortex’ has covered the US and the time change has made for much darker evenings. If you’re like me, you’re probably moving indoors and there’s nothing quite like the warm glow of beautiful lighting in your home or business! I thought this would be a […]

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